Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend

Things got crowded during the weekend in the Complete and Total Loser's area but it didn't bother him. The store at which he holds a low-level retail job had college students in it, a refreshing change from the usual elderly shoppers. And while his train ride home Sunday evening was standing room only, the Loser didn't mind all the clean kids with their big, wheeled bags, jamming the aisles. Besides, he got a seat.
Most memorable moment: Thanksgiving Day. The Loser's eldest brother told the Loser's eldest nephew, who is 25, of a woman he knew through her parents who might be a suitable girlfriend. This is a normal thing for people to do and something no one's ever done, once, for the Loser. Then again, he is a complete and total loser. 
college students waiting train
Young people wait for a train to take them back to their college dorms.

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