Saturday, August 8, 2020

In the house

 Major bone cancer surgery that involves the sciatic nerve has left me reeling in the kind of pain I need to remember because there are people in as much pain all day, every day, and we forget their suffering. My pain, which makes me shout when I go from sitting to standing and standing to sitting, will abate over the coming weeks, and the drug medications can make life manageable for that time.

Being in hospitals is similar to being in prison, though I've never been incarcerated so I can't say that with authority. Still, there's a degree of bondage involved, brought about by incapacity and tubes. The picture is of my right hand. Not a lot I could do with it!



  1. Hope those drugs make things better. That picture of your hand reminded me of mine after my surgery a couple of months ago. I was actually happy to be in the hospital because I also live alone and was in no shape to be home by myself at that point. Enjoy being taken care of while you are there.

    1. I did enjoy being taken care of while I was there and I was released on the fourth day. A comment and general vibe was that four days was a little early but being done because of the virus. It's changing everything, isn't it? I"m miserable right now, but getting by.
