Wednesday, December 12, 2018

What Brexit means to me

Brexit teabagNot a lot, really. With my probably shortened lifespan (two years? three?), location (USA, baby!), occupation (none; savings and Social Security), and need to vacation (last vacation: the Outer Banks of North Carolina in the off season, by car, ten days, eighteen years ago), I can't see how Brexit would have any impact on my way of life.
John Cleese
What it did mean to me comes from when it happened: June, 2016. Brexit was pushed through with lies and half truths by would-be populists. In the weeks after it passed and what it meant became clear, many U.K. citizens who had voted for it wanted to do it over and take back their votes. As I write this, the Prime Minister has barely passed a no-confidence vote, taken because she's done a poor job of selling something that will damage her country.
I'd always thought of the English as being more skeptical to political chicanery than we are. But when Brexit passed I thought, "Uh-oh. If that happens there, there's a good chance that this clown Donald Trump could get elected here."
Pelosi Pence Trump, Schumer(Trump people who feel insulted by that characterization: Think back to 2015 and you'll recall that you felt the same way. How easily we forget such things and end up supporting an admitted sex offender.)

1 comment:

  1. Getting more political now that you're feeling better, Bill ?

    To call him "an admitted sex offender" is so ludicrous that it barely rates a response. He bragged about being able to do something (in what he thought was a private conversation with a guy he clearly was trying to impress) that there is absolutely zero evidence that he has ever done. A sad, stupid, sexist remark, nothing more. Which is why it didn't cost him the presidency.

    Anytime you start to work yourself up into a righteous huff about how terrible a person DJT is, you should call Bill Clinton to mind. In addition to a lot of other factors, WJC and his lovely wife did more to enable Trump to be elected than anything else. After he used and discarded his poor intern and lied about it to Congress and the American people without paying any meaningful price, where exactly did you think American politics would go ?

    You said plenty of other ridiculous things, but I'll let those pass.
