Sunday, December 16, 2018

What's next

Arnold Schwarzenegger with woman
Arnold Schwarzenegger with a woman.
I'd bet that men are less likely than women to believe that hormones influence their feelings and moods. Part of being human is thinking you have control over your decision making process and that you behave rationally. 
When men age, their testosterone levels drop. Many fight this and get supplements. Others are OK with it. Sophocles is reported to have said, when asked how he felt about the effect of age on his libido, "I feel as if I had escaped from a mad and furious master." That would have been around 410 BCE. 
The reason I'm thinking about this is that starting next week I'll be taking pills that will reduce my testosterone level. I'll continue taking them for six months. This is in combination with five weeks of radiation to my prostate gland and surrounding area to try to kill the cancer there. (Honestly, what I'm looking forward to the least about this is the twenty-six trips to the hospital where this is being done. It's under thirty miles but the drive is a winding, indirect one and will take about an hour on a week day.
Sophocles on June 17, 437 BCE.
Silly to complain about this, as so many have much worse commutes, but that's me.)
Studies have found a link between high testosterone levels and prostate cancer. So what the hell, I might as well try it. 
It'll be interesting to see whether the therapy will change my mood. Chemical castration was used in the 1980s on repeat sex offenders, so I guess some feel that it does, but I never saw a study showing that. 
I'll post things about it here in the future. 

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