Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Loser gets dumped

The woman the Complete and Total Loser's been seeing since February dumped him earlier tonight. She did it with skill, which he's telling himself was inadvertent. (He believed her when she said she didn't intend to say what she did.)
She eased into it. If you were to ask the Loser why she's no longer interested in seeing him, he'd be unable to answer. There was no, "You're too ..." or "You're not ..." It was more her talking about where she is in life and slipping in past tense references to their relationship. Over a few minutes, it became clear to the Loser what was happening.
They parted with them assuring each other that they'd still talk on the phone and exchange emails, and the Loser is certain that they will. For awhile. 
Not everyone finds love in life.

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