Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The elderly

If you work in a store and you see an old person coming you know you're usually in for something unpleasant. 
Here's why:
  • They are often often unattractive and depressing to be around
  • They're in physical discomfort so they're in bad moods
  • They probably haven't made money for awhile so they're tight with what they have
  • They can't control the aging process that's making them more and more shriveled and achy by the day so they exercise what control they can over you, a clerk
  • If they are friendly they're talk to you forever about things that don't interest you and their need to talk to strangers will make you sad
Then there's the couple in the picture below. They didn't demand anything of anyone in the store and were pleasant to all they encountered. They came in, looked around, perused a few books, then left. They walked slowly, both on their way from frail to feeble. As they left, the Complete and Total Loser heard the woman say to the man, "You'd better hurry up if we're going to catch the bus." 
Catch the bus. Loved that.
elderly couple shopping bookstore
This elderly couple was very nice.

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