Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Heart trouble

 Yesterday morning, my brother came home after exercising and complained of light headedness. His wife drove him to a nearby hospital and by the end of the day he had a chestful of stents to wedge open arteries that were at a Jerry Garcia stage of being clogged. 

My other brother (there are three of us) is also having heart concerns and is having scans and stress tests and other monitoring. And there's me, with two types of cancer and an aneurysm in my heart. We range in age from sixty-three to sixty-seven now, with me being the youngest. I'm still betting that of the three of us, I'm still the least likely to make it to seventy. With an aneurysm, if something happens you don't call an ambulance, you call a hearse. 

Completely unrelated: Two days ago a friend and her boyfriend came from the city to the suburbs and we met up at Valley Forge Park. I'd never spent time with the boyfriend before. We spent around three hours there. The friend, who is in her late thirties, did something I consider remarkable these days: She didn't take out her cell phone once. Her boyfriend did, but just once and briefly. I considered her not doing this a great gift of a different kind.


  1. I always enjoy your choice of pics (and what to put pics of), as well as your words!

    1. Thank you for saying such nice things. Your own heart must be a kind and generous one.
