Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Eczema face

man with bee beardOf zero interest to no one, more a personal note to myself: My eczema has gotten even worse. Most of my face is red and swollen and it itches and burns. I've thought that the best way to describe how I look and feel is that I'm one of those guys you see with bee beards and the bees got angry at something—my political views, perhaps?—and stung. 
This is an exaggeration and my discomfort is minor compared to that of many and maybe even my own in the near future.


  1. Please see a good dermatologist in your area. I have atopic dermatitis, which is essentially the same thing. Because yours is on your face, it may be more of a challenge to treat it - the skin is more sensitive - but a good MD who specializes in skin conditions should be able to give you something for it. Good luck.

  2. Thanks for your advice. I made an appointment earlier today at an office I went to a year ago. At first, the scheduler said I could see someone in fifteen days. I told her my face was on fire and was there anyone at that office I could see sooner and there was, so I'll go in five days. Meanwhile, being the extreme introvert that I am, I'm enjoying having a legitimate reason to forgo social and family gatherings.
