Monday, April 22, 2013

Boston Strong!!

Boston is a unique city with a rich variety of architecture, steeped in history, powered by hard-working, educated people from diverse backgrounds and ethnic groups, many of whom have great faith, who make their hometown a dynamic, interesting place to live and work.

Miami is a unique city with a rich variety of architecture, steeped in history, powered by hard-working, educated people from diverse backgrounds and ethnic groups, many of whom have great faith, who make their hometown a dynamic, interesting place to live and work.

Seattle is a unique city with a rich variety of architecture, steeped in history, powered by hard-working, educated people from diverse backgrounds and ethnic groups, many of whom have great faith, who make their hometown a dynamic, interesting place to live and work.

Dallas is a unique city with a rich variety of architecture, steeped in history, powered by hard-working, educated people from diverse backgrounds and ethnic groups, many of whom have great faith, who make their hometown a dynamic, interesting place to live and work.

Get the point? All this "We're Boston, man, we're not going to take this lying down!" over the past week may sell newspapers and get eyeballs on screens, but it's bullshit. (Besides, some are arguing that by closing the entire metro area to conduct a manhunt for one suspect is the definition of lying down and taking it.)
Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Albuquerque, Chicago. There all great places. That's one reason so many people live in them. And yes, their people may have different accents and grammar tics from others and they may eat forms of food people from elsewhere may find odd choices (ever heard of scrapple?), but they're no better, worse, braver, smarter or lazier overall than people anywhere else. Except for ... No. Not going to do it.

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