Shoppers at a large grocery store. |
To avoid gaining weight, I stepped up the intermittent fasting regimen I've been doing for over a year to a more extreme version of it; instead of not eating two days a week, I eat only every other day. That means I had dinner last night, nothing today, and I won't eat until I have breakfast tomorrow. I've been doing this for about two months now. I've lost five pounds and would like to lose another five but even though I don't make a pig of myself on the days I eat, that seems not to be an option. The worst times are around the evening of the day you don't eat. The next morning seems to be far off, and you have elaborate visions of what your breakfast will be, even if it's just a simple bowl of steel cut oats, a favorite of mine. I put in walnuts, raisins, cinnamon, ginger, and a dollop of peanut butter.
My joke about intermittent fasting is that it sharpens my mind but all I can think about is food. A joke, but it really does sharpen my mind. Also, around four o'clock on the afternoons of what I call my "hungry days" I feel physically light and strong.
Presently (I'm writing this as the 2020 coronavirus pandemic has become an unpleasant reality in America) I feel it's given me a mental edge over some others. Many are hoarding groceries, unable and unwilling to imagine doing without things they love for even a day. I know from experience that missing a few meals won't hurt you.
I've heard good explanations about why Americans and others are hoarding toilet paper, but they still make no sense to me and seeing it happen makes me view my fellow Americans with a little contempt. It seems all they want to do is eat and shit.
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