Thursday, August 1, 2019

Rename the months!

I'm writing and posting this on the first day of August, 2019. Even now, at age sixty-one, I'm thinking to myself, as if for the first time, "Huh. August is the only month that's also an adjective (marked by majestic dignity or grandeur), though
the adjective is pronounced differently and isn't capitalized."
Here's my bold idea: Change the names of all months to adjectives. 
Rules: Don't relate them to anything seasonal as it would be unfair to the southern hemisphere, i.e., half of the world; keep them positive or thoughtful or both if possible and in any case not negative. They could be of adjectives not used every day that might inspire people to strive for the
quality they're named after. Also, they should be in alphabetical order.
My preliminary ideas:
1. Aware
2. Bold
3. Cultivated
4. Dependable
5. Exuberant
6. Forthright
7. Generous
8. Hospitable
9. Impeccable
10. Judicious
11. Knowledgeable
12. Lasting

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