Friday, March 8, 2019

How to get rich

  1. Find a way to make something useful out of cat diarrhea and vomit
  2. Clone many of the 9.6 pound cat I got from a shelter two days ago
  3. Feed the cats and watch them stop after eating three ounces of food
  4. Gather the two pounds of diarrhea and vomit each cat produces over the next thirty-six hours
  5. Roll in piles of money like a kid on a sugar high playing in leaves
sleeping cat
My cat, taking a well-earned break from vomiting and crapping on rugs.


  1. Raymond! He is already so happy and comfortable! But of course I am sorry to hear about the diarrhea and vomit. Thanks for posting the pic. 😊

  2. A good argument for remaining poor. I’m guessing using litter boxes is not in kitty’s frame of reference, or is the vomiting/diarrhea thing a temporary blip on the radar? I hope you have a good supply of Febreeze and Spot Shot, as any animal lover should. I’m sure “kitty cleanup crew” was not the day you had planned. Good thing you have an infinite supply of patience. (-:

    1. My cat's digestive problems have cleared up but he's still not going in the box, except about half the time he urinates. Still working on it ...

    2. I'm glad there has been some progress, and hope the litter box issue will improve too.

  3. You're most kind. Thank you very much.
