Sunday, February 4, 2018

Night time, Super Bowl Sunday

I have never watched a football game, not live or on TV. It simply never interested me. It might have to do with having a bad leg from early childhood on and knowing before most boys that I would never play any version of the game. I could hit a tennis ball decently, and I used to watch tennis. 
(I do know how football is played and seen bits and pieces of games over the years on the news and things.)

As I write this, the 52nd Super Bowl is being played. There's a good chance that it's the last time I, with a recent probable terminal diagnosis, would be able to watch a football game. And there's this: One of the teams, the Eagles, is from my home town of Philadelphia and the mania when I was in the city earlier today was palpable. 
Am I tempted to tune in? No. I'm about to prepare a simple meal and maybe stream a show. Or catch up on the Sunday papers. I went into the city early and didn't read much of them.


  1. It is hard to celebrate or join in the fun when you have a heavy heart. I am sorry for all your troubles. I hope this finds you better.

  2. I'm with you, Bill. I can't stand football either, never have.
