Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Bizarre video

This is the kind of video you take when you've scheduled to have one of your legs amputated at the hip in twenty days to give you a just twenty-five percent chance of living longer than a year or so and you'll be on crutches for the rest of your life and never walk again.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog randomly, but differently than most. No NYT. Just a Google search for - I think, "John Updike smoking" - and it brought me here.

    I've read back through 20+ pages already and intend to keep going until the first post.

    I know you have a big day and many heavy months coming up, but I'd love to talk if you have time and are interested.

    Please email me at stevelgroen@gmail.com if you want to talk to a "fan."

    I just really admire your writing. And I find the CaTL so interesting... One of my favorite blogs I've read.
