Now it's getting cold and the Loser has mice in the house. He uses a no-kill trap for them, too. He trapped his first last night and let it go a few miles away while he biked for exercise.
A Victor no-kill mousetrap. |
The Loser, being a loser, feared the worst: What if he'd trapped a pregnant female and she gave birth to her pups while in the trap? She'd be in there now, probably eating them alive! Too macabre an image to think about.
When he opened the door and tilted it, what plopped out was, fortunately, just one large, healthy and astonished mouse. It looked up at the Loser from the ground for a moment, then turned and scurried into the wild.
As big a mouse as it was, it seemed small compared to the Loser's previous catches.
nice info, thanks for sharing